Thirsty for Games?

Rina is a lively games sommelier full of fireballs, curiosity and ecstatic energy. Whether designing quiz nights, organising table football tournaments, hosting backgammon clubs, running immersive assassination roleplaying competitions or recommending boardgames for parties & presents, she has the super XP and wicked energy to match your desired victory conditions.

Ready to Play?

Keen to inject strategic joy into very practical and playful scenarios? I'd be glad to co-design and facilitate. I provide advice on interactive experiences and community engagement. Am also willing to be involved in activities like play-testing and reviewing.Please describe the wonderful scenarios you have in mind; Games Consultation / Games Design / Games Facilitation / Curation of Activities or other audacious ventures!


“On the one hand we have the playing mind - innovative, magical, boundless. On the other is the gaming mind - concentrated, determined, intelligent. And on the hand that holds them both, together we have the notion of playing well.”― Bernard De Koven,
The Well-Played Game: A Player's Philosophy